For you who love eating cupcakes, use it as a birthday party theme. It is very cute to celebrate your first daughter’s birthday. Here we want to share 1st birthday invitation wording and template. There are several designs you can choose and get it freely. Our template has high quality image, so you don’t need to feel worried of getting blurred image.
Nowadays, cupcakes have a lot of flavor and decoration. You can make any character on it. The cupcakes itself can be decorated using cream, frosting or icing sugar. When you like cooking, then make your own cupcakes is possible.
This file has a blank space in the center. You can write down the party details such as the date, time and location. Use your fancy texts to beautify the look. It is better for you to add RSVP number for the guest need to confirm their attendance.
Here is the 1st birthday invitation wording you can adapt.
Come and join us for some birthday fun
Our little cupcakes is turning ONE!
Nolan’s 1st birthday
Saturday, April 14
at 2:30 p.m.
Nolan’s home
562 Main Street
Manhattan, USA
RSVP to Miranda at 783 748 489
To get this file, you can click on the image. Save the file on your folder and it is ready to be customized. Get a cardstock paper to print because you will have an authentic printing image.